Advance Maths : Complete Course for SSC CGL Exam
Hello Friends, Welcome to gyanshila education,
This course is Completely FREE and created with an intent to help those students who are unable to afford coachings or paid courses.
Here you will find complete course for Advance Maths which includes 4 major sections, 18 different topics. Entire course is structured in such a manner it will clear your all the basic concepts and also related previous year questions of exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, CDS and other exams, are also covered in this course.
The Four Sections of Advance Maths for SSC CGL Exam are :
- Trigonometry – त्रिकोणमिति
- Geometry – ज्यामिति
- Algebra – बीजगणित
- Mensuration – क्षेत्रमिति
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